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Work In Progress ( WIP Project)


The Program “Work in Progress-WiP”- is a 3 years program (1st January 2016 to 31 December 2018) This is a multi-country program (Somaliland, Egypt and Nigeria) that aims to support Youth employment and entrepreneurship through skills building, the creation of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)
and their professionalization and the creation of an enabling environment for the promotion of entrepreneurship and women’s employment. Ultimately, the program aims at creating more jobs for young women and men through development of skills, developing networks and awareness. The work in progress project aims to create sustainable living income for women and men to enable them access to employment and run their own business.

In addition, Small and Middle Size Enterprises is supported for their development and networking in order to create more opportunities for Youth. The program activities are implemented across all six regions in Somaliland. Four different partners implement the WiP Program in Somaliland delivering different components of the project based on their expertise and thematic areas.  HAVOYOCO is mandate to implement two of the project intervention forms which are focusing two different thematic areas; such as provision of specific skills for youth and cultivating enabling environment.
HAVOYOCO successfully provided work readiness and employability soft skill trainings for 200 youths graduated from the different universities in Somaliland, to enable them to access paid jobs or create their own business start up.