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Pastoral & Agriculture

HAVOYOCO has implemented many food security projects that are aimed to build the livelihood assets of Agro-pastoral communities, to create employment opportunities and raise the purchasing power of rural groups, particularly women, increase efficiency in marketing and enhance the household income through cash-based interventions such as cash for work, cash relief etc. The following table shows related implemented projects by HAVOYOCO.

Currently, HAVOYOCO runs Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral economy in Somaliland project is a long term project which started 2017 onto 2020 and has 2005(1063 males and 942 females) direct and indirect beneficiaries, the project operates Gabiley district, particularly Carro-Malko, Garab-Cad and Galoley villages.

The project has two components; community seed bank for indigenous seed restoration, storage and distribution to the farmers and all actors in the agriculture sector through lending and return back system with basing and guiding seed bank bylaws and procedures. The other project component is a long-term developmental intervention which has four main results as improving food security, improving household income, strengthening civil society, climate adaption capacity enhancing and gender equality and social inclusion. The main goal of the project is to improve food security and socio-economic wellbeing of the target communities through providing best agronomic practices through technological and mechanisation engagements, accessibility of good quality of seed varieties, soil and water conservation techniques, and empowering the role of women and youth in income generation and decision making positions and linking community management teams, cooperatives and associations with relevant line ministries, microfinance institution and research institutions for future sustainability.