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Health and Nutrition Program

The overall program result for the HAVOYOCO Health and Nutrition Program is to ensure that infants, children, adolescents and pregnant women access life-saving, high impact healthnutrition.

 Currently,HAVOYOCO is running Strengthening Malaria Control and Health Systems project which is funded by the global fund through UNICEF.

According to the malaria stratification done by UNICEF with the assistance of MOH shown that Hudun, buuhoodle and lughaya districts are most targeted areas for this new grant. So, to contribute the reduction of malaria disease and mosquito bites at critical times, the following major activities were accomplished by HAVOYOCO for this period October 2015 to December 2016.

In the year of 2016, significant progress was made in the targeted district with 100,000 LLINs distributed to 26671 HHs. around 172842 people benefited in three districts of Buuhoodle, Hudun and Lughaya.  Finally, in  June 2017,HAVOYOCO distributed 14,443 LLITNs in Hudun and Buuhodle Districts.